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Creating A Social Media S.T.R.A.T.E.G.Y.

by Veronica Steele

场景:你是某公司的社交媒体经理(填空). Better known as the expert, guru, maven, or one of the other 181,我们这些社交媒体人喜欢给自己起的1000个自称的称谓. 你的学院或大学认为你是无所不知的社交媒体奇才. 那么,当你被赋予创建社交媒体策略的艰巨任务时,为什么会感到如此迷茫呢?

You're not alone.

From one social media manager to another, 这里有一些创建有效的社交媒体的最佳实践.T.R.A.T.E.G.Y that goes beyond “that tweet thing,” producing results (brand awareness, seo, client support, leads, etc.) that even your boss will appreciate.


Rarely does success appear overnight; you have to plan for it. 你的社交媒体策略应该从一小步开始,为未来的活动奠定坚实的基础. Success will follow.


创建、推广和维护高质量的社交媒体活动需要一个村庄. It is a HUGE misconception that one person can do it all. 在你的机构内招聘人员成为社区社交媒体经理是生成和共享内容的最佳方式. 这些人负责从他们的房子里寻找和推广故事.


很多时候,我们接到的新项目目标不太现实,而且几乎没有资源. To this I say, use what you have.

There are plenty of good and reliable resources at low or no cost. 这可能需要研究并与其他经理交谈,但我保证他们就在那里. One of my personal favorites is Hootsuite. With an easy to navigate interface, 该产品允许您在一个配置文件中连接多个社交媒体帐户, schedule posts across platforms, and delivers decent analytics. (我之所以强调“体面”,是因为大多数平台都倾向于不准确,或者提供的报道很少,而且几乎没有成本.)

另一个非常宝贵却很少被利用的资源是实习生. 如今的大学生都渴望进入像贵公司这样的机构或领域. 大多数大学都提供毕业实习单位, which means you don’t have to pay them - experience is enough. Plus, 他们的热情产生了创造性的想法,这些想法可以被实施——这对双方来说都是双赢的! (看看我的一个学生在Youtube上组织的这个哈莱姆摇摆舞视频.)


Every strategy should begin and end with an assessment. Questions such as "who is our target audience," "what social media sites is our audience on," and "what resources do we have in place already,在涉足任何社交媒体之前都应该考虑到这一点.

Assessment is like reading a map; it’s hard to know where you’re going if you don't know where you are or have been. 评估一下你的学校目前的社交媒体策略,并评估一下你是如何做到的.

是直接射击还是和佛罗多一起穿越魔多的群山? Next, 展望未来,看看战略应该走向何方,并决定实现目标的最佳路线. Once you've reached your destination, 评估你达到目标的方式是了解目标是否有效和高效达到的唯一方法.



Some people may have a natural voice that communicates the brand in an appropriate way over social media platforms; others not so much. 其他团队成员可能有这样的技术天赋,可以在社交媒体平台上找到新的或未使用的功能. 尽管如此,在训练时要记住两点:

  1. Have a social media policy in place to base training off of
  2. 培训是永无止境的——建立一个沟通更新的系统, changes or relevant-articles, blogs or videos to promote growth.

Executive Champion

就像你应该招募一个团队来帮助推动机构的社交媒体工作一样, you should also recruit an executive champion to support your cause from above.

This person could be your boss or your boss' boss. 无论这位高管是谁,他们都应该理解、尊重并促进社交媒体的努力. 在管理层至少有一个人了解社交媒体可以给组织带来的价值,这相当于在表达为什么你的工作至关重要时,减少了令人生畏和沮丧的对话.

Goals & Objectives

设定符合学校需要和实际情况的目标. I'm sure I'll take some heat on this one, 但无论如何我还是要把它放在那里:“在开始任何社交媒体活动时,设定一个页面上每月有一定数量的点赞或转发的目标是可以的. “我读过很多博客和文章,认为这些目标无关紧要,不重要,但我不同意. In the early stages of a campaign or strategy, 有这样一个度量是可以接受的,因为, the truth is, unless you offer engaging, authentic, and relevant content, you won't generate likes or retweets anyway.

As your social media strategy grows, your goals and objectives will change along with it. Other goals to consider: brand recognition, program recognition, topic engagement, 甚至像提供相关和高质量的内容这样简单的事情. 无论设定什么目标和目的,都要确保它们是可监控和可衡量的.

You Need to Listen

社交媒体平台通常被不当地用作公告栏或肥皂箱. Sure, it's a place to share your institution’s stories, news, and views but, more importantly, it’s an opportunity to listen to your audience.

社交媒体使得学校和企业都可以建立客户服务中心, run polls, and facilitate impromptu focus groups for little to no cost! 但是,为了使它有效,你必须倾听并认可你的听众. 把一个议程强加给人们很容易,但要让你的听众心甘情愿地接受这个议程需要技巧.

Listening and validating 顾客的想法是许多社交媒体策略所缺乏的技巧. 在你的听众所在的地方与他们见面,并愿意促进他们的成功, apologize for your mistakes, and sometimes, let comments sit and just walk away. 我们都想被倾听,但是,如果我们都在同一时间说话,谁会去听呢?

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